Welcome to the TGA Donation Page!
The Grounded Athlete ⏚ was built solely on a message. The message that the earth has a beneficial presence of electrical charge at its surface that can heal your body if you stay connected to it, and that there are repercussions to being insulated from it. The conveyance of this message is its foundation and will continue to be such. GAIA Grounding Sandals have played a vital role in spreading this message throughout the world.
None of this would be here - the content, the videos, GAIA, without a strong belief and desire to heal others. Not many people believed in what I was doing when I first began, and if I had waited to start until enough people had believed in me, TGA may have never began. My name is Rob. I founded TGA with that belief and desire. I run the website, the Instagram, develop and edit the videos/content. I’ve also handcrafted every pair of GAIA Grounding Sandals that have left this shop since May that have have gone on to touch most of the US and 16 other countries.
When I first began
I had a roll of leather, some soling material, silver thread, a dainty sewing machine no bigger than a cantaloupe, basic tools, and a strong sense of purpose. Not much has changed since then outside of a new sewing machine (the old one broke) and a camera. In the past few months I’ve been thinking of ways to upgrade and expand TGA’s reach. With a lot of work this will be an inevitability, but you also have the opportunity to help speed up this process.
This page is made just for that.
This is where you can donate to my grounding movement. I use these donations to obtain better tools, equipment, and develop better content to further my reach. I am currently in the process of finding a press machine and developing tech packs for upcoming projects. Your help and donations are monumental in expanding TGA.
The momentum that The Grounded Athlete has accumulated will continue to grow. This is your chance to be a part of that. All donators will be recognized (voluntarily) on this page.