Earth & Heart Series, Part 1, Zeta Potential and Blood Viscosity

It’s time.. for a new series, >:) . A three-parter on one of the coolest aspects of grounding - it's impact on the cardiovascular system.

Our first stop in Earth & Heart series is the blood. We usually think of blood as just a liquid moving through our bodies, but it is far more complex than most realize. Blood carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste. It contains cells like red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells, and platelets, all suspended in plasma. This plasma is mostly water but also includes proteins, electrolytes, and other substances.

Red blood cells (erythrocytes) transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs. White blood cells (leukocytes) help the immune system fight infections and disease. Platelets (thrombocytes) are involved in clotting to prevent excessive bleeding. The body holds about four to six liters of blood, which is pumped by the heart through arteries, veins, and capillaries. Together, these form a circulatory system that ensures each cell receives enough oxygen and nutrients for proper function.

Interestingly, blood is classified as a type of connective tissue. We often think of tissues as something solid, but biology defines tissues as groups of similar cells that perform specific functions. Blood supports and binds in a fluid form, which is a reminder that connective tissue can appear in different states!

Here, we focus on blood viscosity and its major determinant, zeta potential. Blood viscosity reflects how thick or sticky blood is. Zeta potential is the electrokinetic charge of blood cells and plasma. It reflects the repulsive forces among blood cells and vessel walls. This electrical property can influence blood flow and can play a role in cardiovascular disease.


RBCs have a negative charge due to sialic acid residues on their surface glycoproteins and glycolipids. Sialic acids are negatively charged nine-carbon sugars that create a negative cloud around cells. This keeps them repelling each other, which prevents unwanted aggregation in normal conditions. Pathogens like influenza can bind to sialic acid residues to invade cells which shows how important these molecules are for interactions and immunity.

Thomas M. Riddick, a consulting engineer and chemist, made notable contributions to zeta potential. While tackling a coagulation challenge in Alaska, he became intrigued by Helmholtz’s work from 1879. Riddick invented the Zeta-Meter, patented many designs, and improved water treatment based on zeta potential control. His classic text, Control of Colloid Stability through Zeta Potential (1968), stands among the most influential resources on this subject.

Zeta potential is not a standard measure in routine blood tests, but specialized labs can evaluate it through electrophoresis or laser Doppler velocimetry. These techniques measure the overall charge on RBCs and offer valuable insights into RBC interactions, blood flow, and disease risk.


In 2013, Gaetan Chevalier PhD, Stephen Sinatra MD, James Oschman PhD, and Richard Delaney MD investigated whether grounding the body influences the electrical charge of RBCs. Their pilot study tested ten healthy subjects. Each subject wore electrode patches on the palms and soles, connected by a wire to a metal rod outside the room. They remained grounded for two hours. Researchers took blood samples before and after grounding, then checked RBC aggregation and electrophoretic mobility.

RBC aggregation means RBCs clump together, primarily due to proteins on their surfaces. Aggregation can lead to clotting and potential blockages in vessels. It can also reflect or worsen conditions like diabetes or hypertension. Inflammation and free radicals can reduce RBC surface charges, causing cells to cluster more easily. This raises viscosity, leading to higher resistance in vessels and forcing the heart to work harder. Elevated viscosity is tied to arterial inflammation, plaque formation, and endothelial dysfunction. Plaque often develops in turbulent flow areas near branching vessels. RBCs lacking enough negative charge may clump in capillaries, restricting blood flow and reducing oxygen delivery.

Electrophoretic mobility analyzes how RBCs move in an electric field. Researchers applied the Smoluchowski equation to compute RBC zeta potential (in millivolts). Subjects started with an average RBC charge of about -5.28 mV. After two hours of grounding, RBCs showed significantly less clumping under a darkfield microscope. Pain also dropped in the three subjects who had reported any pain.

On average, the RBC zeta potential rose by 2.7 times. The smallest jump was 1.7 times higher, while the largest soared to 5.6 times the baseline. Subjects began at -5.28 mV and ended near -14.3 mV, a range considered normal. Interestingly, participants in pain showed the largest improvements. One individual noted that their RBC charge went from -7.4 mV to -26.8 mV, a 3.63-fold rise.

Overall, RBC aggregation, zeta potential, and pain improved in all subjects. Grounding produced an unmistakable blood-thinning effect. The authors observed that higher viscosity is a forgotten risk factor in cardiovascular health. Many people rely on statins or other drugs, which can have side effects. Grounding, on the other hand, is free and harmless. This study suggests that grounding might be an effective, natural means of enhancing RBC charge.


Inflammation can affect blood viscosity. Exercise can spark inflammation initially, raising viscosity, but prolonged regular activity tends to lower viscosity over time. In 2015, researchers at the University of Oregon explored whether grounding during a gentle yoga practice would affect blood viscosity. They recruited twenty-eight women and split them across two days. Each subject did pre- and post-yoga blood draws. All used a grounding mat, but half were actually grounded while the other half were sham-grounded.

Participants completed five segments of yoga, each lasting twelve minutes and comprising ten poses. Each pose was held for one minute, except the tenth pose, which was held for two minutes before a one-minute rest.

Results showed that the grounded group experienced a notable decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood viscosity. The sham-grounded group did not. In fact, some had partial increases in viscosity. Thus, being grounded during yoga seemed to lower blood viscosity. This aligns with the earlier finding that grounding thins the blood by boosting RBC charge.

Two studies now demonstrate grounding’s blood-thinning effect. Drugs like aspirin or warfarin are common anticoagulants, but grounding may offer a natural complement or alternative. Zeta potential improvements reduce RBC clumping and lower viscosity. This can mean less work for the heart, better circulation, and possibly fewer inflammatory issues.

Blood viscosity is closely linked to blood pressure, our next topic. As we move through this Earth & Heart series, we will see how grounding influences a wide range of cardiovascular parameters. Our journey continues into understanding how direct contact with the Earth can shape blood flow, pressure regulation, and overall heart health.

And of course, if you’re interested in learning more, consider picking up Earth & Water :)

Further Reading:

S. Gaikwad, S., G. Avari, J., & Liladhar Patil, M. (2020). Zeta Potential as a Diagnostic Tool to Determine the Angina Risk. Apolipoproteins, Triglycerides and Cholesterol. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.92373

Gaikwad S.S.*, Avari G. J.*, Effect on Morphology, Osmotic Fragility and Electro Kinetic Potential of Erythrocytes in Hypertension, Current Hypertension Reviews 2017; 13(2) .

Riddick, T. M. (1968). Control of Colloid Stability Through Zeta Potential: With a Closing Chapter on Its Relationship to Cardiovascular Disease, Volume 1. Wiley-Interscience.

Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ. Blood rheology and hemodynamics. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2003 Oct;29(5):435-50. doi: 10.1055/s-2003-44551. PMID: 14631543.

Lowe, G. D. O. (1995). Blood viscosity and cardiovascular disease

Lowe, G. D. (1995). Blood viscosity, lipoproteins, and cardiovascular disease. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, 15(5), 593-602.

Lipowsky, H. H. (2005). Microvascular rheology and hemodynamics. Microcirculation, 12(1), 5-15.

Pries, A. R., Secomb, T. W., & Gaehtgens, P. (1998). The endothelial surface layer. Pflügers Archiv, 440(5), 653-666.

Brun, J.F., Varlet-Marie, E., Romain, A.J., Guiraudou, M. and Raynaud de Mauverger, E. (2013) Exercise Hemorheology: Moving from Old Simplistic Paradigms to a More Complex Picture. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 55, 15-27. 

Lowe, G., Rumley, A., Norrie, J., Ford, I., Shepherd, J., Cobbe, S., Macfarlane, P. and Packard, C. (2000) Blood Rheology, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, and Cardiovascular Disease: The West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 84, 553-558. 

Sloczyńska, K., Kózka, M. and Marona, H. (2013) Red Blood Cell Deformability and Aggregation in Chronic Venous Disease Patients with Varicose Veins. Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej, 67, 690-694. 

Stein, P.D. and Sabbah, H.N. (1974) Measured Turbulence and Its Effect on Thrombus Formation. Circulation Research, 35, 608-614. 

Traub, O. and Berk, B.C. (1998) Laminar Shear Stress: Mechanisms by Which Endothelial Cells Transduce an Atheroprotective Force. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 18, 677-685.

Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Delany RM. Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity-a major factor in cardiovascular disease. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Feb;19(2):102-10. doi: 10.1089/acm.2011.0820. Epub 2012 Jul 3. PMID: 22757749; PMCID: PMC3576907.

El-Sayed MS. Effects of exercise and training on blood rheology. Sports Med. 1998 Nov;26(5):281-92. doi: 10.2165/00007256-199826050-00001. PMID: 9858393.

Connes P, Pichon A, Hardy-Dessources MD, Waltz X, Lamarre Y, Simmonds MJ, Tripette J. Blood viscosity and hemodynamics during exercise. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2012;51(2):101-9. doi: 10.3233/CH-2011-1515. PMID: 22240371.

Hitosugi M, Kawato H, Nagai T, Ogawa Y, Niwa M, Iida N, Yufu T, Tokudome S. Changes in blood viscosity with heavy and light exercise. Med Sci Law. 2004 Jul;44(3):197-200. doi: 10.1258/rsmmsl.44.3.197. PMID: 15296241.

Brown, R., & Chevalier, G. (2015). Grounding the Human Body during Yoga Exercise with a Grounded Yoga Mat Reduces Blood Viscosity. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 05, 159-168.


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